The ladies organization of the parish. All ladies are considered members. There are no dues. We hold a spring and fall meeting to discuss projects we can do for the parish such as altar needs like robes and vestments, redoing the cemetery sign monument, helping pay for church air conditioner or contributing to Sunday school needs.
The St. Nicholas Sisterhood was formed in 2011 when the Women’s Club and Ladies Altar Aid were combined.
We hold our annual Paska Bake Sale during Great Lent to raise funds for our projects. We also spearhead a parish rummage sale every other year. We usually hold two social events each year on our Patronal Feast Day (July 18) and following the Christmas season.
The Sisterhood will organize Memorial Luncheons for our deceased parishioners upon their family's request. All luncheons are held in the church basement. Click here to see a menu and pricing list.
All ladies of the parish are invited and encouraged to join our women’s club—St. Nicholas Sisterhood—in service to St. Nicholas Orthodox Church.
Marianne Malish Price, President
Lori Kochan, Vice President
Andrea Lambo, Treasurer
Gloria Molenaur, Secretary