St. Nicholas Orthodox Cemetery is located on 10 acres in rural Springfield township at 1616 Krumroy Rd. Established in 1935 for the exclusive use of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church families, the cemetery is now open to all Orthodox Christians.
It is run by a Cemetery Administrator and governed by a Cemetery Board made up of parishioner volunteers. Anyone who is an Orthodox Christian may purchase a lot there. And any Christian member of their family may be buried there. To inquire about purchasing a lot or the cost of interment at St. Nicholas Cemetery call Cemetery Administrator Walt Malish at 330-703-3384. You may tour the cemetery between dawn and dusk.
We are looking for relatives of a few family plots sold in the 1925-40 time period for which we have no family contacts. In most cases the original purchasers are buried in the plot, but the rest of the lots are sitting vacant and unused. Families grow, some leave the parish, others move and we have lost contact with these families. (See list below) If you are a relative or if you know of a living family member please contact Walt Malish, Cemetery Administrator.
This public notice will be posting for one year (March 2021 to March 2022). If no one contacts us in that time, the ownership of the vacant lots will revert back to the cemetery and the lots will be resold.
John Kapeluck 1866-1945 owner
Margaret Kapeluck 1876-1929
John Kapeluck 1920-1956
Steve Kapeluck 1899-1965
Roman Dolinsky owner, not buried there. Ownership transferred in 1963 to daughter Rose.
Rose Pavelchak 1907-1997
Husband John Pavelchak 1902-1970
Florence Dolinsky 1915-1928
Raymond Dolan died 1981
Hazel Popovich 1905-1954
Margaret Popovich 1914-1972
Joseph Popovich 1908-1994
Jacob Kurilla 1862-1947 owner
Tekla Kurilla 1863-1951
Alexander Kurilla 1895-1973
Paul Kurilla 1905-1936