Contact our rector, Fr. Nicholas Wysultsky at 330-628-1333 or email
By talking with him, he will determine how to best bring you into the church. Your needs are unique depending on your upbringing and past religious affiliation or lack of it. There is usually a spring and fall Inquirer's Class that you can attend and ask the specific questions to help you determine if it is the right time for you to become an Orthodox Christian. Father Nick is also available to meet one-on-one by appointment...just contact him.
Until that are welcome to attend services, venerate the cross and icons, light candles and receive the blessed bread during dismissal. (Only baptized and chrismated Orthodox Christians who are prepared through confession and fasting should approach the chalice to receive communion.) Please join us for coffee hour in the church basement following Divine Liturgy. We are glad you're here and we hope you'll join us on the journey to salvation.